Monday, February 7, 2011

Bran Muffins

I really like bran muffins. When I worked at Great Harvest, a fresh bran muffin with raspberries was the most delicious breakfast. Since leaving Logan I have searched and tried bran muffin recipes. What I've found is most recipes call for some type of bran cereal...but I wanted something WHOLE, not using some processed bran cereal. And finally I've got it so I'm passing it along to you:

Bran Muffins
(1 doz large muffins)
1/2 cup white flour or whole wheat flour or wheat germ*
1 1/2 c. whole wheat flour
1 1/2 c. wheat bran
1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/4 tsp. baking soda
6 TBS honey (or other sweetener)
2 c. buttermilk **
1 egg, beaten
3 Tbs butter melted (or canola, or applesauce)
1 cup frozen berries (optional)

Combine dry ingredients. Combine wet ingredients. Combine both together just enough to moisten. If adding berries, fold them in now after all ingredients are combined. Fill greased muffin cups.

Bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes. If you're not sure if they're done, err on the side of not quite done (not doughy though, just soft). They will continue to bake for a minute after you take them out of the oven. Plus, you don't want them to dry out.

*These are not substitutes for each other, germ holds most of the protein in the wheat kernal and I feel healthier when I can incorporate it. I tried it and they turned out great. The original recipe called for white flour, but I bagged that. If its too heavy for you, you may want to go back to white flour.
** If you do not have buttermilk or are pinching pennies, use the food storage substitute for buttermilk: 1 tsp vinegar to 1 cup milk. Combine and let sit for a few minutes.


  1. so where do you get wheat bran? Do you have to buy that cereal "All Bran"? or can you buy it like wheat germ?

  2. You can buy wheat bran at your grocery store most likely. Just look above the flour/sugar in the store at the bags of specialty grains and you should be able to find bran and germ. I'll pay attention next time I go to the store. :)
